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To give all students the right conditions in which they can succeed; happy students make successful students.

My Mission: Text
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My Mission: Image

How do I do this?

I have:

A passion for education and a belief that we are educating the leaders of tomorrow.


A belief that all can succeed if given the right opportunities.


A belief in the inherent value of every member of the school community and that without them it would not be as rich.


A relentless drive to be a better version of my self and, in turn, to enable others to be the best they can be.


Relentless positivity, regardless of how challenging the situations we find ourselves in.


A solution-focussed approach.


Lived and worked internationally for many years in different countries and cultures, therefore understand a wide variety of parent and student contexts.​


Worked in one of the most expensive schools in Asia, therefore understand the expectations of parents who have invested financially in their children’s education.


Worked in schools ranging in size from 200 pupils to 2,200 pupils so understand both small and large school needs.


Worked in growing schools and understand the challenges involved with this.


Experience in all Key Stages from EYFS to 5 and therefore understand the needs of a child’s entire educational journey.

My Mission: Text

"Education is neither eastern nor western. Education is education and it's the right of every human being."

Malala Yousafzai

My Mission: Quote
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