I spent the early part of the week a day behind myself, thinking on Wednesday that it must absolutely be Thursday when suddenly it is Friday again and I am surprised!
It feels like every week is busy for one reason or another, and it absolutely is. Wednesday for me was particularly busy with being triple-booked at one stage! I wanted to attend both EYFS and Y1-6 staff meetings while I was also due to support the Dutch showcase at Ruby Yu. I managed to pop into both staff meetings and see some fabulous collaborative work going on, from the EYFS observations for Tapestry to T4W toolkits, both of which prompted thoughts about both pedagogy and practice. Unfortunately, getting engrossed in both of these meant that I was then later than anticipated to arrive at Ruby Yu. I am definitely ‘my mother’s daughter’ when it comes to time keeping (or I was until I got older/got married/became a school leader/mixture of the above) and so being late for things really bothers me. I grew up in a household where it became a standing joke that, having got all 3 children ready to leave the house, my mother would be waiting by the front door huffing and puffing about how late we were going to be and my father would meander down the hall before announcing the need to use the bathroom just before we left. To this day it’s a standing joke. Needless to say, my father would actively prefer to be 5 minutes late than even 1 minute early. My mother now has a wry smile on her face though and just says she is not going to change him after 51 years of marriage!
If you ever get the opportunity to participate in a Dutch School event, I would definitely recommend it. There is always such a lovely atmosphere and the older students really look after the younger ones. There are always lots of parents there too who are just generally chilled, relaxed and happy to chat. Despite the fact that I really don’t have a clue what is being said, I definitely feel part of the team and very welcome. So a particular thank you to Team Dutch for another great event and I can’t wait until Sinterklaas! It really did bring home just how different the school feels without being able to welcome families on site and how much the wider community is part of our school. Let’s just hope we can welcome them back again soon.
Not to break with tradition, I’m currently listening to Summer of ‘69. I was feeling in need of something familiar and so went back to my late adolescence and my first concert in 1997. Can’t beat a bit of Bryan on a Friday evening!