It’s Friday again!
As anticipated, the wonderful long weekend feels like a long time ago as the 4-day week was simply 5 days squashed into 4!
Anyway, today is going to be a short one for everyone’s sake. It was going to be even shorter because I wasn’t sure what to say, but a conversation with a colleague earlier today sparked an idea. They mentioned wondering if everyone had something about their job which ‘energised’ them. I decided that, if asked, most Primary teachers would speak of being with the children but I thought that would be a cop-out. Of course being with the children energises us. We’re in the wrong job if not!
So I got to wondering about me and what, specifically, energises me. Well, seeing little Petar being embraced by his friend Nora on arrival at his class energised me today. Proof-reading reports and reading about all of the children’s successes energised me (yes, I know I’m odd!), planning for next academic year energises me as does so many parts of my job. Then I thought about what has the opposite effect. Seeing colleagues despondent about what might come next because the immediate future is unpredictable de-energises me, as does hearing about avoidable problems. However, a very wise coach once told me (and many other BISS staff) that every job has de-energisers and that we should find a role where the former outweighs the latter and then we will be much more fulfilled.
I consider myself extremely lucky because I have found a role which does just that. I love my job and I love our school even though I can’t think about the immediate ‘what next’s because it’s just too stressful!
I said it would be short and I hope it is short enough. I’m not listening to any music because I’m sitting on the runway at Hongqiao airport waiting to fly to Chongqing. Having not stepped on a plane since March 2020, it’s all a bit odd and I’m not sure quite what I think! Anyway, that’s enough waffle for now.
Happy Friday everyone, not so many left now! 😊