Winter has arrived. Or has it? In classic Shanghai style, the weather has been changeable to say the least. Last weekend we went from warm and balmy to wet, windy and chilly and this morning my weather app tells me that next week we can expect highs of 21°. What’s that all about? I have enough trouble working out what to wear each day without the added complication of anticipating what the temperatures will do during the day – warm or less warm clothes and tights or no tights? I fear the ‘no tights’ weather is over, however it is then thick or thin tights instead. So many decisions and all before I even leave the house! 😊
It has been another crazy busy week, beginning with sports day for Y4-6 (fortunately, good old Mr Hitchings made a good call with the weather because the other day we had discussed was the one day in the week that it rained all day), then two open mornings and all events followed by daily BISS unplugged recitals. It’s busy and it’s tiring but it’s fun. I believe wholeheartedly that giving children opportunities to come out of their comfort zones is so powerful. Yesterday, I watched a student perform a piece on the piano in front of their peers. Not so long ago, this same student was all but refusing to come into school. The power of determination.
None of us know what the future holds, so we can only move forward and embrace what lies ahead. It’s PDR target setting time so I feel that it is time, once again, to take stock of everything that I can be proud of and put that front and centre in my mind, pushing negative thoughts to one side while looking forward to the ‘what next’ s. I am so fortunate to have an amazing job at an amazing school with amazing staff and students. I’m still listening to what appears to be my new favourite podcast. Yesterday’s episode was with Lena Dunham talking about not ever regretting because regret is such a wasted motion. When she makes a mistake, she goes all out to show how she is trying to rectify it and, by the sounds of it, she doesn’t do that by halves! In part, this is her rebellion, her response to being brought up in a household with regret. I often think back to a line from The West Wing, my favourite TV series. One of the characters, Josh does everything with such passion and such enthusiasm that, they joked, he would leave a ‘Josh-shaped hole’ behind. What a way to be! I try to emulate that. Whatever I do, I try do it with everything I have (although I appear to be much more successful professionally than with things such as learning Mandarin…). When things work, it is so satisfying that you know you gave your all and it was worth everything. If they don’t it’s ok, you know you gave it your best shot. We can still take pride in it though.
The nights are getting longer, or the days are getting shorter, but whichever way round it is, things are changing. Things are always changing, so let’s look forward and embrace it. Life is about change and that’s exciting!
Music… M People and Hero. An oldie but a goodie! Thanks Spotify, just what I needed.