Well, it is already Friday… again and another roller-coaster of a week… again.
However, I have tried wherever possible to actively take time to appreciate things this week. Some days it has been easier than others. Unrelated to this, I had a message earlier today from an ex-BISS colleague and friend who is currently teaching in Kigali, Rwanda. We have shared a few WeChat messages throughout this period, generally checking in and making sure the other is ok. Her students’ families are experiencing similar situations to ours, with separation across the world. Another reminder that this is a global issue. She is now back at school; their complete lockdown has come to an end not long before their end of term. The reason the government lifted their lockdown was ‘signs of malnutrition’ and the easing has been specifically designed those ‘who live hand to mouth to be able to get back to work’. I am not mentioning this for any political reasons, far from it. I just wanted to share how incredibly humbling this was in the middle of yet another busy day. Indeed, these messages arrived just before Ling’s email regarding the secondary school Student Leaders fundraising challenges. We are raising community-minded students and I hope that we can help them raise or even smash their target of 50,000RMB. When we work in high-pressured environments it is all too easy to get distracted from what really matters.
The hardest part of this period for me has been the lack of personal interaction with our students. It has been so lovely to wander the 4th floor and just chat to students again (although admittedly I may have preferred the peace and quiet over the beginner trumpet renditions of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’!). I said last week that I have the best job in the world. I still do and the amazing staff and students make it even more so.
I have experienced several ‘random acts of kindness’ over the last few days and even weeks. I always have derived more pleasure from giving more than receiving (although I really do not mean to sound ungrateful – the packet of biscuits and the large block of dairy milk which I was able to share was very well received, as was the café du cookie, although that was not shared I have to admit), however I can honestly say that I am truly grateful so thank you. I also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you yet again to everyone, because your smiles, your interactions with the children and the positivity you radiate (not just high-sugar foods) is well received.
Happy Friday everyone and I hope you have a lovely weekend.