Friday again already.
I am not going to apologise for the fact that I repeat myself (I am sure some of you find it endearing... go on, admit it! 😊) when I say that I have an incredible, wonderful team around me.
I (and many of the people I have spoken to) have had a whirlwind of a week and I can definitely say that I am surprised it’s already over at the same time that I can’t quite reconcile the fact we have only just had a holiday or got to the end of the week!
I was going to share something about teams and successful teams and valuable teams make successful leaders but I don’t want to claim to be a successful leader because I’m not that person, however ‘the data speaks for itself’ as it were. If just one modicum of my leadership has enabled the amazing progression and development of this team (teachers, LAs, support staff, middle and senior leaders) then I am one successful leader! We have great students because we have great staff. Our great students are academically successful (just look at the data) because we have great teachers and LAs around them. They are the reason we do this job, and I am so proud.
Instead, I want to talk about what I value most.
I have had a typically eclectic day today, so it has really made me think of what that is. I have (in chronological order), post morning gate duty:
Spent a morning in Pre-Nursery being sneezed on, dribbled on, climbed on, trampled on, worn several masks at once (literally, not figuratively – frog, duck, superwoman, superman, sheep, donkey…), tried to learn more Mandarin words for fruit (I was called ‘funny teacher’ repeatedly by a 2 year-old due to my pronunciation), built mini sandcastles (and was glared at for not doing it ‘properly’ and shared books with some wonderful children (they liked my voices). (A typical morning in PN I would imagine!)
Taken someone on a virtual tour of our school via TEAMs on my phone, during which we saw many amazing children and staff which took double the amount of time than that allotted because I can’t stop talking about our wonderful school.
Taught a Y2 phonics group and went to the library to ‘collect words’ during which time I had a real connecting moment with a child while reading a LEGO book on space.
Been told that the photograph on my id badge is ‘not me’ by a Y2 child... (“It is me...” ... “No, it’s not. That’s too young...”) Out of the mouths of babes as my mother would say! The image is, ahem, 5+ years old!
Finalised a proposal for the March regional conference, hoping that I get the opportunity to share our brilliant CPD programme with other NAE schools.
Had an admissions meeting where I got to talk about how we are a genuinely inclusive school and how wonderful our diverse children are.
Led a ‘New Middle Leader’ training session on the benefits of cross-school working (rescheduled from November) and reflected on how amazing it is to have the opportunity to teach literally across the school.
Some experiences post-ECA which I am not going to discuss here as it Is not appropriate which include both ‘interesting moments and really honest and reflective conversations.
Written this.
So, what do I value most?
I value the people. I value the opportunity to be around such amazing beings. I value being around YOU.
To use the words of Robert John Meehan (whoever he may be – thanks, LinkedIn)
“The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without our collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”
I hope I never stop striving to learn more and be a better version of my self. Spending time with 2-year-olds does that to you. It makes you remember why you do it. Just as much as walking through the secondary building and being greeted by many secondary students by name does too.
It’s late so I am going to stop.
Thank you once again to everyone; I value you.
Happy Friday everyone!
Music today is the ‘Best of British’ Spotify playlist. I’ll be honest I have done a good few fast-forwards (so much easier these days than in the days of cassette tapes…) and it’s the Spencer Davies Group with ‘Gimme Some Lovin’. I am going to give myself some love and go home!